Osteopathie MK

For the start-up of Marco Kauert's osteopathic studio, the entire corporate design was developed and implemented: business card, invoice form, website as well as forms and the interior.

Branding, On- and Off-air Design, Interior Design, Photography: Andreas Binar / Client: Marco Kauert

Binar I Motion Design I Osteopathie MK
Binar I Motion Design I Osteopathie MK
Binar I Motion Design I Osteopathie MK

quantilopeCorporate Design

WDR / Studio ZweiMotion Design

Stübbe / X-ClassMotion Design

Schoppe Instant BeveragesCorporate Design

360° VR3D, UI/UX

Osteopathie MKCorporate Design

Arte / Tracks NightMotion Design

Agenda VermittlerMotion Design